
Lee Glanton, producer of Campfest, a womyn's music festival the 1st annual Womongathering at a scenic, private camp near Oxford, Pennsylvania this Jun 10-12. Womongathering is a weekend dedicated to living womyn's vision and thereby creating realities for womyn.


While Womongathering will feature presentations and a variety of intensive experiential workshops by womyn whose ideas, spiritual guidance, images and music have helped to shape womyn's visions of the future, it is centered in the present. "Some of us feel as though we can't wait for an indefinite future to incorporate our visions into reality," Glanton stated. The diverse sets of beliefs called womyn's spirituality have moved us towards healing ourselves and reclaiming our lives. Womongathering will be an ongoing forum for how we can and are enriching and empowering our lives today.

The camp provides many peaceful sites for meetings and rituals while also having sufficient indoor space to continue 8uninterrupted in the event of rain. A crafts area will offer a wide selection of womon-made items in addition to crystals, readers, body workers, and herbalists. There is a choice of dormitory-styled cabin or tent space, indoor hot showers and flush toilets, swimming pool, lake and tennis


To be placed on the mailing list for the April brochure or for


information on how to become involved, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Womangathering, RR3 Box 185, Franklinville, N.J. 08322; or call (609) 694-2037.

An exciting project to document the history of Gay men and Lesbians is underway.

For the past five years, Columbus activist George Painter has been researching the history of Gay men and Lesbians in Ohio from 1880 until the Stonewall Rebellion in 1969.

Publication in book form is the

goal, but the input of people throughout Ohio is needed.

Personal testimony, diaries, correspondence, or news articles specifically dealing with Ohio during these nine decades are of value to the project.

If you would like to contribute information to this unique project, please send it to George Painter, 4050 North High Street #7, Columbus, Ohio 43214.

The Board of Directors of the National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays (NCBLG) has announced the relocation of its national headquarters from Washington, D.C., to Detroit, Michigan, effective May 16, 1988.

NCBLG is this country's only national Black Gay and Lesbian organization and has been in existence for ten years. Through local chapters established throughout the country, NCBLG provides an active support system for Black Lesbians and Gays, and works with other organizations to combat homophobia, racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. In addition, NCBLG is dedicated to the implementation of programs designed to address issues of special interest to Black Lesbians and Gays and to the education of the Black community atlarge about Gay and Lesbian concerns and realities.



NCBLG's executive director,

Renee McCoy, sees the move as a

positive step for the organization. "A WESTWOOD PSYCHOLOGICAL

NCBLG moves into its second decade," McCoy says, "we plan to intensify our outreach to establish more local chapters and gain greater visibility, especially within the Black community. Moving to Detroit will make the organization more accessible to Blacks in the central areas of the country, and thus, better enable NCBLG to provide technical assistance and leadership training to beginning groups. Since operational costs will also be lowered, we will be able to put more resources into service-oriented programs and education."

NCBLG's new office will be located at 19641 West Seven Mile Detroit, Michigan, 48219. This building is owned by the Michigan Organization for Human Rights (MOHR) Foundation and also houses MOHR, Michigan's Gay rights organization, and the Detroit Gay Community center.


The North Coast Coalition is currently conducting an area-wide survey of Greater Cleveland, Mentor, Painesville, Willoughby, including the Lake and Geauga county areas, for the purpose of determining the special needs of the local gay community.

We are a multi-county, nonprofit homo-social organization providing assistance to gays and working in conjunction with health agencies to promote AIDS prevention.

Our survey of gay needs project is to ascertain the major needs of gays for social programs, educational seminars, and political representation.


Specializing in: alternate lifestyles;

couple's counseling; sexual concerns; depression; chemical dependency issues.

14805 Detroit Ave., Suite 535 Lakewood, OH 44107 228-9910

Frances A. Conroy Free Consultation by appointment

(216) 285-0929



John Quail, our project cocoordinator, and Director of the LAKE-GEAUGA-ASHTABULA Social Advocacy Task Force, will those prioritize socio-economic, political issues which are of the greatest concern to the gay community.


Your input will help to shape the future of services, programs, and opportunities to benefit the gay population of the North Coast area.

Please call John Quail at Your Helpline: 357-1199 or you may write us at, L.G.A.S.A.T.F., P.O.Box 1417, Mentor, Ohio 44061-1417.

The Wexner Center for the Visual Arts/University Gallery of Fine Art will present AIDS:The Artist's Response, an exhibition of artwork addressing AIDS, curated by Jan Zita Grover, a critic and AIDS activist from San Francisco, the show will open in February 1989 and run through March 1989 in Columbus, Ohio

Artists producing film, video, photographs, paintings, drawings, sculpture, performance, installations, or other AIDS-related visual/audio projects are encouraged to submit their work. Please send 35mm slides or VHS tapes with SASE mailers, resume and/or cover letter to the University Gallery. Pamphlets, posters, and other materials from AIDS service organizations are also being solicited. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 1988.

The Ohio State University exhibition will be accompanied by a spectrum of related programming including: panel discussions, workshops, and community events concerning AIDS education and prevention, and health, legal, and social issues as they relate to the AIDS crisis.

For further information, please contact Lynette Molnar, University Gallery of Fine Art, 1880 N. High St. Columbus, Ohio 43201, (614)292-0330.

Electrolysis Center Specializing in permanent hair removal through "Electrolysis"

3291 W. 115th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44111 216-251-3330 voice & t.t.d.


520 Water Street Chardon, Ohio 44024







Do you or have had sex regardless of the consequences?

Do you find yourself unable to stop seeing someone even though he or she is destructive for you?

Do you worry that your sexual thoughts or behaviors are more powerful than you are?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and want help, contact Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, P.O. 14191, Cleveland Ohio 441140191. We in SLAA believe that sex and love addition is a progressive illness which cannot be cured but which like alcoholism, can be arrested. It may take several forms including, but not limited to, a compulsive need for sex, extreme dependency on one person (or many), and/or a chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue or fantasy. We have learned how to recover.

Team Settle has announced entries are now available for the 1988 Northwest Gay/Lesbian Sports Festival. 1500 athletes are expected to compete for first, second and third place medals in a dozen different sports during the July 4th weekend in Seattle.

Events confirmed for the festival are: swimming, diving, water polo, soccer, volleyball, women's softball, bowling, croquet, running (including 10k and 4k runs and a 4k walk), golf, racquetball, and tennis.

Entry deadline for most events is June 15. The expected turnout of 1500 athletes will make this event the second largest gathering of Gay and Lesbian athletes ever.

Inquiries about entering events, lodging and travel to the Team Seattle, 600 E. Pine St., Seattle, Festival may be obtained by writing Washington 98122, or by calling (206) 322-2777.